Hello world!

Thanks for visiting my site.  This is my world and I am sticking to it.  Hopefully you will find something of interest whether it is the latest advances in technology or something humorous to get your mind off the serious stuff.

Most of my life has evolved around computers working as a Software Engineer, implementing Database Management, and providing Project Management and Program Management.  But I am constantly trying to improve myself.

This website showcases many sides of me including:

Software-Database – extensive experience in database/SQL design, application development, and operations support.

Consulting – customer bonding to craft solutions to help them improve their jobs or lives via the firm Kelley Research.

Speaking – tailored public speeches using a vast background in Toastmasters International.

Publications – literary works including published stories, novellas and books in electronic or printed form through the company Noble Edwin Publishing.

Humor – attempts to make people laugh and get our minds off the serious stuff.

Futures – ideas of what will be forthcoming in society and technology.

Thanks for partaking.  Don’t forget to “Advance The Agenda”.  Have a great day!


PS Feel free to contact me and let me know what you need or what you are thinking.